Tuesday, July 9, 2013

23 weeks


How far along? 23 weeks

Sleep? pretty well.. I've been more worn out lately and I sometimes sleep through the night, but most nights I get restless.. tossing and turning

Maternity Clothes? yes, I wear maternity shorts and regular and maternity shirts

Stretch Marks? nope.

Cravings/Aversions? Nope, just eating too much junk food! Candy is my weakness

Miss Anything? Things are starting to get tighter so at times it can be a little uncomfortable

Movement? yes! I love feeling nameless baby brother kick!

Size of the Baby? grapefruit

Morning Sickness? Nope... I feel great... I got a bad sinus infection and had to take antibiotics and after 2 weeks I feel a lot better!!

Gender? Baby Boy! No name yet! Daddy won't agree to my name! I like to call him nameless baby brother

Labor Signs? Nope.

Weight Gain? more than I would like! I have no time to exercise or do much so I've became lazy!

Belly Button In or Out? half.. it was like that after I had A and sometimes it hurts!

Wedding Rings On or Off? On.
Mood? excited... Daddy comes home in a few days!!!  
Best moment in the last week? Packing!!! We are headed to Alabama and will pick up Z this week!! It's been over 400 days of deployment and less than 40 days of us being together!! We are beyond ready to start this new chapter in our lives in Texas, and then a family of 4!
Looking Forward To? The day we pick up Z from the airport

I had to add this adorable picture of A on here! She's almost 3 and growing into such a beautiful little lady! She got a pair of wedges and she loves them!!!!


  1. I can't tell you how excited I am for your husband to be home and SAFE and for you all to be together!!!

    You look great, pregnancy suits you well!

  2. I need to know this name that Daddy doesn't like! HA!
