Monday, July 22, 2013

Happy birthday my sweet 3 year old

3 years ago today, my baby girl was born. I can't believe A has been with us for only 3 years. I can't remember life without her! She's brought so much happiness, joy, love, and much more! God blessed us with a sweet and perfect child!

Birth story: A was due on July 22, 2010.. I just knew she'd come early and she was going to be this big long baby... I mean I was huge, therefore she had to be big too, right? I told everyone she was going to be 23 inches long, she was all over my belly....

A was due on a Thursday.. I worked the week she was due because I didn't want my maternity leave to start before I had her. I worked half days all that week, and then would go home and nap. I worked Wednesday  till 1, and came home and napped. My aunt and 2 cousins were coming into town and I knew I'd be extra tired that night. I woke up around 4 and started having contractions. I had no Braxton hicks contractions, and didn't know if this was the real deal or just a fake out. I was timing the contractions and they were getting closer together very quickly. About 5:30, we headed to dinner and I told everyone that I was going to being my bag just in case.. We lived about 30 minutes from the hospital.... And that was on a good night in Nashville traffic. During supper, the stupid waiter kept talking to me and bothering me.. And loved annoying the crap out of my during big contractions. After dinner, I decided we better just head to the hospital because if I went home, we'd have to go back shortly.

The hospital was so busy that they checked me straight into labor and delivery without checking to make sure I was in true labor. Around 10, they asked me if I wanted to get an epidural or walk around... I chose the epidural and tried to get a good nights rest...

Around 6am the doctor came and broke my water.

I started pushing at 12:00pm... And my sweet baby girl was born at 12:25 pm on her due date! There's a 1% chance of that happening! Sweet baby was only 7lbs 2oz and 19 1/2 inches long.. My little short baby! She was and still is perfect! Such a sweet girl!

I can't believe our baby is 3! Best 3 years ever!

My baby girl through the years!

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

23 weeks


How far along? 23 weeks

Sleep? pretty well.. I've been more worn out lately and I sometimes sleep through the night, but most nights I get restless.. tossing and turning

Maternity Clothes? yes, I wear maternity shorts and regular and maternity shirts

Stretch Marks? nope.

Cravings/Aversions? Nope, just eating too much junk food! Candy is my weakness

Miss Anything? Things are starting to get tighter so at times it can be a little uncomfortable

Movement? yes! I love feeling nameless baby brother kick!

Size of the Baby? grapefruit

Morning Sickness? Nope... I feel great... I got a bad sinus infection and had to take antibiotics and after 2 weeks I feel a lot better!!

Gender? Baby Boy! No name yet! Daddy won't agree to my name! I like to call him nameless baby brother

Labor Signs? Nope.

Weight Gain? more than I would like! I have no time to exercise or do much so I've became lazy!

Belly Button In or Out? half.. it was like that after I had A and sometimes it hurts!

Wedding Rings On or Off? On.
Mood? excited... Daddy comes home in a few days!!!  
Best moment in the last week? Packing!!! We are headed to Alabama and will pick up Z this week!! It's been over 400 days of deployment and less than 40 days of us being together!! We are beyond ready to start this new chapter in our lives in Texas, and then a family of 4!
Looking Forward To? The day we pick up Z from the airport

I had to add this adorable picture of A on here! She's almost 3 and growing into such a beautiful little lady! She got a pair of wedges and she loves them!!!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

4th of July

We had a wonderful 4th of July this year! This is the last holiday without Z and we couldn't be more than exctied to finally have him home!

I am beyond proud to be a wife of someone in the miltary and to have someone serving overseas. You can't truely understand deployment unless you have personally been there. I am so thankful for each and every man and woman who has served, serving, or will serve our country. I'm even more thanful for my husband and what he has done this past year...

Our 4th of July was spent out by the water in Texas. My sister, brother in law, neices, mom, dad, A, and I went to a hotel where my sisters family was staying and swam and cooked out. We played all day, took a nap, and then watched fireworks! It was such a great day and A loves playing with her cousins. They are all so sweet and we are so glad we get to spend a few years with them! 

We are headed to Alabama to pick Z up in a few days! A and Z are both beyond excited to see each other. I am excited to see Z.. but I know they have missed each other a lot!!!

Love this beautiful little lady!!!

Hope everyone had a great 4th and weekend!