Tuesday, March 26, 2013

8 weeks



How far along? 8 weeks

Sleep? yep! I go to bed around 11, maybe wake up 1 time to pee.. depends on if I want to be lazy or actually get up.
Maternity Clothes? nope, not yet

Stretch Marks? nope. anyone have any good lotions? The one I have I don't like

Cravings/Aversions? No cravings at all... Aversions..Chicken! Chick-Fil-a is nasty now! I'm so sad.. we usually go there at least 2 times a week (don't judge) and now it's just gross! I even had a salad with no chicken and it was just not appetizing!
Miss Anything? being able to eat something and not feel sick afterwards

Movement? nope, too early

Size of the Babies? Kidney bean!

Morning Sickness? Not morning sickness, just feel queasy and nauseous all day 

Gender? hopefully we will know in about 8 weeks!   

Labor Signs? Nope.

Weight Gain? not too sure yet, will know when I go back to the doctor April 9 

Belly Button In or Out? in.

Wedding Rings On or Off? On.

Mood? Tired, but happy most the time. I get irritated easily and I kind of just zone out a lot

Looking Forward To? April 9, my next doctors appointment. Ready to hear the heartbeat again!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

And then there were 4...

If you haven't heard...

We are having another baby... baby #2.... another baby to love and tickle and play with!

I am beyond ecstatic, and A and Z are also so excited! A keeps saying " I'm going to be a big sister, mommy's got a baby in her belly" and then proceeds to pull my shirt up and look for the baby. It's the sweetest and cutest thing I've ever seen. She has been "asking" for a baby brother or sister for awhile, I always told her to ask daddy.

Z came home in February for his R&R after being deployed for 7 months (unfortunately he had to go back, but praying he will be home for good in July). You know, it only takes 1 time to make it happen, and I guess it was our time. God knows what he's doing and his plan is the best and only plan! I found out the morning Z was headed back to the airport, Feb.22. I was barely even pregnant, but enough to get a positive!! I took another one the following night, and yet again those pretty little words "pregnant" showed up.

When you're trying for a baby, and in the past you've had so many negative test... it's the best feeling in the world when the word "NOT" doesn't show up. It took us a year to get pregnant with A, so I saw a lot of negative test. Lots of heartbreak. Lots of tears. Lots of questions and whys. Lots of doctor appointments trying to figure out what was wrong. Little did we know that God had a plan and his plan...like always... worked out perfectly! With this one, well I know he's got a plan! Blessed and grateful and thankful are just a few words to describe it.
We finally got to tell everyone close to our family that we were pregnant, so we decided it was time to announce it to the world. You know, because nothing is "official" till it's on Facebook! Ha So we took some pictures and I made this cute little collage for our announcement. You know because Pinterest makes us "keep up with the Jones' " over every little thing we do!
Baby #2 will hopefully be here by or on November 5, 2013! If it's anything like it's sister..That'll be it's birthday. A was born on her due date. I'm going to try and do weekly updates on the "bump" but we shall see... I forget sometimes! Hopefully I can document this journey.
"But I want to be an only child"

She really does want a baby sister or brother, promise! I just told her to do a "sad" face. We love photo shoots!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Recap

We had a great weekend and enjoyed spending our Saturday with my grandparents are who down for the winter. Being a stay at home mom and my parents both being retired, a weekend doesn't really mean anything more to us than any other day. We are pretty boring people, but try to get out of the house everyday so that we don't go stir crazy and get on each other nerves too much!

Friday, we went to my friends house and A got to play with her friend PA. We are blessed to have a few great friends here, and I'm so glad A has a few friends to play with and annoy someone besides me. We were pretty boring and didn't do much the rest of the day... besides take a nap!

She was very excited to be at the Zoo
Saturday was a great busy day! We went to The Little Zoo that Could down in Gulf Shores. You may know it from seeing their show on Animal Planet a few years ago. We met my grandparents down there and enjoyed letting A feed all the animals around there.
She loved feeding all the animals, my child has no fears!

She got to touch a snake and a few other animals and fed lots of animals. A really has no fears and loves all animals. My in-laws have 2 goats, a donkey, and a horse so she is use to feeding them and touching them. She saw the lions and kept hollering "Hey Simba, Hey Nala".
We went and ate pizza after the zoo, then headed home for another nap... we love nap time!
snuggle time!
I love spending time with this sweet little girl! She is my best little friend!
Sunday, we headed to church! A loves going to church and playing with her friends! We are so blessed! We enjoyed lazy Sunday and... yep took another nap! Pretty sure we are some lazy bums! Ha

Friday, March 8, 2013

Giving this blogging thing a try...

I am going to try out this blogging thing again! I started one for a little while, and then I just got busy and never posted anything more! I can't promise I will have anything good to say, or that everything is spelled right, or comma will be in the right spot. #sorrynotsorry I have ZERO idea of the design or layout and I just tried to figure it out on my own...which probably makes it look even worse....Whoops!

We are not very exciting people... A and I live at home with my parents while Z is overseas serving with the Coast Guard. We are moving to Texas in June and will hopefully be reunited in July. I stay home and well... we just kind of do what we want to do! We eat Chick-fil-A AT LEAST once a week if not more, we shop, play, nap and anything else we can come up with.

This is our sweet little girl A. She will be 3 in July. She is my best little friend who is sassy and sweet all in one!
This would be my handsome husband and I. We have been married for over 5 years and although we both get on each others nerves and drive each other crazy, I don't think either of us would have it any other way (or at least I wouldn't).
I'm going to try and blog every so often, but I know it won't be daily or weekly. I get busy, bored, burnt out, or just lazy very easily, so we shall see if this blog last.
I guess that is all for now... I'll try to post again about Z's visit he home. He has been overseas for 8 months, was home for 20 days, and will hopefully be home for good in July. We had a great time, and hated to see him go back. It's hard being away from him for so long, but it makes us both stronger. I hate that him and A don't get to spend this year together, but we will be together again shortly!