Monday, March 11, 2013

Weekend Recap

We had a great weekend and enjoyed spending our Saturday with my grandparents are who down for the winter. Being a stay at home mom and my parents both being retired, a weekend doesn't really mean anything more to us than any other day. We are pretty boring people, but try to get out of the house everyday so that we don't go stir crazy and get on each other nerves too much!

Friday, we went to my friends house and A got to play with her friend PA. We are blessed to have a few great friends here, and I'm so glad A has a few friends to play with and annoy someone besides me. We were pretty boring and didn't do much the rest of the day... besides take a nap!

She was very excited to be at the Zoo
Saturday was a great busy day! We went to The Little Zoo that Could down in Gulf Shores. You may know it from seeing their show on Animal Planet a few years ago. We met my grandparents down there and enjoyed letting A feed all the animals around there.
She loved feeding all the animals, my child has no fears!

She got to touch a snake and a few other animals and fed lots of animals. A really has no fears and loves all animals. My in-laws have 2 goats, a donkey, and a horse so she is use to feeding them and touching them. She saw the lions and kept hollering "Hey Simba, Hey Nala".
We went and ate pizza after the zoo, then headed home for another nap... we love nap time!
snuggle time!
I love spending time with this sweet little girl! She is my best little friend!
Sunday, we headed to church! A loves going to church and playing with her friends! We are so blessed! We enjoyed lazy Sunday and... yep took another nap! Pretty sure we are some lazy bums! Ha


  1. Hey girl! I couldnt email you back when you commented bc there was no email address listed... but yes!! I saved it from your IG!! SO YUMMY!!!!!!!!!

    1. Hey! Sorry about that, I fixed it I think! They are so yummy! I'm thinking about trying raspberries next!

  2. The Zoo looks so fun!!!! We love Gulf shores. My sister in law and her hubby got married on one of the beaches there!!! I'll have to tell them about this zoo if they havent been to it, my niece would love it! :)

    1. Hey! The zoo is such an awesome place! It's not too big, but it's still fun! Feeding the animals is a neat touch because not too many zoos allow you to do that!
