Thursday, April 25, 2013

12 weeks

How far along? 12 weeks

Sleep? Sleep is great! I get up anywhere from 7-8, usually take a nap when A takes a nap, then bed around 10. I wake up 1 or 2 times to pee.. IF I feel like getting up!

Maternity Clothes? some.. I have 1 pair of jeans, 1 pair of shorts, and some shirts that I can still wear but I prefer maternity, they are just more comfy! This past week I had put on lotion and tried to get a pair of regular jeans on before the lotion dried and I ripped the jeans :( I was SO sad...

Stretch Marks? nope.

Cravings/Aversions? junk food.. which is not good!

Miss Anything? my husband :(

Movement? nope, too early

Size of the Babies? Peach

Morning Sickness? I am starting to feel better more often. I got really sick this past week and could barely move. I never threw up... but I went to bed at 8:30! It was BAD!!!

Gender? 4 more weeks!

Labor Signs? Nope.

Weight Gain? not sure.. maybe 6lbs

Belly Button In or Out? in.

Wedding Rings On or Off? On.
Mood? Great!

Best moment in the last week? A and I went to Nashville this past week and got to see some of my favorite people! We had a blast, but are sad because we won't see them for a while. We are hoping they come to Texas in November when baby #2 is born!!
Looking Forward To? Going to see one of my best friends Friday for an ultrasound! She is an ultrasound tech so we are going to go see her and see the baby! I'm excited because 12 weeks is when the baby actually looks normal and not like some random alien!
The picture on the left is with baby #2 at 12 weeks and the picture on the right is with A at 13 weeks.. I know the one with A is closer, but I feel like they are about the same size!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

10 weeks...

10 weeks....

So I know I missed 9 weeks.. and I haven't blogged in 2 weeks... I'm tired and busy and well just lazy!

We had a wonderful Easter and enjoyed our day with my parents. We are really missing Z and are ready for him to come home! We have a coming home date, so we are counting down the months. We have counted the days since he's been gone and by the time he finally gets home... it will be over 400 days gone!!!
A is VERY excited to be a big sister and makes sure EVERYONE knows that mommy has a baby in her belly.

How far along? 10 weeks 

Sleep? It's ok.. I still don't fall asleep till around 11 and but I get to sleep in till 8 most days. Some days I need a nap, but most days I'm good.

Maternity Clothes? nope, not yet..using the rubber band trick

Stretch Marks? nope.

Cravings/Aversions? I craved Subway so I went and got it..and it wasn't good. I just want to eat junk food but I'm trying not to eat too much. I still don't want to eat plain meat.. mix it up as a casserole and I'm good but I dont' want steak or chicken by itself
Miss Anything? my husband :(

Movement? nope, too early

Size of the Babies? Kumquat

Morning Sickness? Not morning sickness, just feel queasy and nauseous a lot 

Gender? 6 more weeks!  

Labor Signs? Nope.

Weight Gain? 4lbs:( momma likes to eat what can I say

Belly Button In or Out? in.

Wedding Rings On or Off? On.

Mood? Good.. get irritated but that's normal any given day! Ha

Looking Forward To? Going to see my best friend in Nashville in a week!!
I went to the doctors on Friday April 5 and everything checked out good. I could hear the heartbeat through the Doppler so that's good.. the baby has a strong heartbeat. Everything looked good.. just have to go get my blood work done.

I feel HUGE and I know they say you show a lot earlier with your 2nd one but gosh.. I feel like I looked like this with A at 20 weeks!!! Oh well.. I love having this miracle in my belly!! Please excuse my worn out look... I guess I should take these pictures in the morning when I'm refreshed..not right before bed when I'm worn slap out!!