Wednesday, June 19, 2013

20 weeks

How far along? 20 weeks

Sleep? pretty well.. I usually wake up once or twice for no reason. I can go throughout the night without going potty... but I just randomly wake up.. and it's hard for me to get back to sleep

Maternity Clothes? yes, I wear maternity shorts, but till wear regular tops

Stretch Marks? nope.

Cravings/Aversions? I've been enjoying some ice cream every day.. Whoops! 

Miss Anything? still missing the hubby.. but we only have 3 weeks left! Missing everyone in Alabama right now. Being pregnant and change don't mix well!

Movement? yes! I first felt him kick at 17 weeks 3 days! I feel him the most at night, but I'm starting to feel him throughout the day! I love it.. for now! I know one day soon I will be complaning but this will probably be my last pregnany, so I am try to enjoy it!

Size of the Baby? banana

Morning Sickness? Nope... I feel great... but think I'm getting a cold! Lovely

Gender? Baby Boy! No name yet! Daddy won't agree to my name!

Labor Signs? Nope.

Weight Gain? more than I would like! I have no time to exercise or do much so I've became lazy!

Belly Button In or Out? half.. it was like that after I had A and sometimes it hurts!

Wedding Rings On or Off? On.
Mood? lonely.. Ready for hubby to get home! 
Best moment in the last week? Well at lot has changed in the past few weeks! We moved from Alabama to Texas... I'm missing my friends in Bama..
I went to my 20 week doctors appointment on June 18 and had an ultrasound done. We did all the measurements and everything looked great and he was measuring right at 20 weeks. He wouldn't flip over, so we didn't get to see his face but we get to have another one in 4 weeks!
Looking Forward To? Daddy coming home in 3 weeks!!! We are missing him like crazy!!!

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe you are 20 weeks in that picture!! Gosh you are tiny! Where is that baby hiding? :) So excited for you guys to get your husband/daddy back! How was it switching OB docs mid-pregnancy? And you're right, try to enjoy every moment of your pregnancy, this time in your life is so short and you'll never get to feel all of this again. Oh, and I'm sorry you're lonely, that part broke my heart.
