Tuesday, May 21, 2013

16 weeks... and it's a.....

How far along? 16 weeks

Sleep? ok... I haven't been getting a good "deep sleep" but I still get enough

Maternity Clothes? yes, but I did wear my skinny pre-pregnancy jeans last week!

Stretch Marks? nope.

Cravings/Aversions? none...

Miss Anything? still just the husband.. 7 weeks left!

Movement? not sure.. sometimes I feel something but I think it may be gas..who knows! ha

Size of the Baby? avocado/onion

Morning Sickness? Nope, but I've been getting headaches a lot more!

Gender? we know!!! Look at the bottom of the post!

Labor Signs? Nope.

Weight Gain? since I became pregnant I've gained 10lbs.. that was all in the first 10 weeks.. I haven't gained any since then

Belly Button In or Out? in.

Wedding Rings On or Off? On.
Mood? Great!

Best moment in the last week? We found out what baby is!
Looking Forward To? Moving!!! only 3 weeks left!!! Can't wait!!!
We found out today that baby Mays is a.....
I went to my final appointment with my doctor in Alabama before we move to Texas and we did a "sneak a peek" ultrasound. I got to FaceTime with Z and we both got to see our son! I can't believe we are having a boy! We are over the moon excited!! We are all girls in our family so to have a boy just makes this pregnancy that much more special! A is SO excited! She has been saying it's a baby brother the whole time! We haven't picked a name yet... It's SO hard to agree on a name! I am still shocked and speechless! I just keep repeating "Oh my gosh I'm having a boy" over and over! We are all excited to welcome a baby brother in November! This little boy is going to be more spoiled than A and her 2 girl cousins combined!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited for you!!! And yes, names are so hard!!!! Good luck w/ the move!
