How far along?
13 weeks
Sleep? Every night has been different. Some nights I can sleep through the whole night, some nights I'm up for an hour for no reason. My bladder has a mind of it's own some nights
Clothes? yes, just because I don't want to try and force myself into my regular clothes and get my hopes up! I have 2 pair of maternity shorts that I wear a lot and I still wear my regular shirts and some maternity
Marks? nope.
none... I've been doing good with not going out a lot this week!
Miss Anything?
my husband.. but he told me yesterday that he is coming home 4 days earlier than I thought!!! That's always a plus!
nope, too early
Size of the
Baby? Lemon
Sickness? Nope! Baby didn't like the Mexican we ate the other night.. but who's body ever really likes Mexican food right???
Gender? 3
more weeks!
Labor Signs?
Weight Gain?
not sure.. maybe 6lbs
Belly Button In or
Out? in.
Wedding Rings On or
Off? On.
Best moment in the
last week? We went last Friday 4/26 to see my friend who is an ultrasound tech. Baby Mays had the hiccups and it was jumping up and down.. it was so neat to see such a little miracle do all of these cute little things
Looking Forward To?
I have my next appointment this Friday. I'm excited to hear the heartbeat again and see about a gender scan in 3 weeks!
We have started packing everything in the house and are getting ready to put my parents house on the market and move them and ourselves to Texas. Z will be home in about 10 weeks so we are going to go ahead and move over there and get the house put together before he comes home. We are very excited and ready for June so we can move. We are going to miss all of our family and friends here in Alabama, but are excited to move on to the next chapter in our lives.
Profile of baby Mays... love that baby so much already!
Baby Mays' hand and arm.. Amazing that at 12 weeks you can see so much