Tuesday, March 26, 2013

8 weeks



How far along? 8 weeks

Sleep? yep! I go to bed around 11, maybe wake up 1 time to pee.. depends on if I want to be lazy or actually get up.
Maternity Clothes? nope, not yet

Stretch Marks? nope. anyone have any good lotions? The one I have I don't like

Cravings/Aversions? No cravings at all... Aversions..Chicken! Chick-Fil-a is nasty now! I'm so sad.. we usually go there at least 2 times a week (don't judge) and now it's just gross! I even had a salad with no chicken and it was just not appetizing!
Miss Anything? being able to eat something and not feel sick afterwards

Movement? nope, too early

Size of the Babies? Kidney bean!

Morning Sickness? Not morning sickness, just feel queasy and nauseous all day 

Gender? hopefully we will know in about 8 weeks!   

Labor Signs? Nope.

Weight Gain? not too sure yet, will know when I go back to the doctor April 9 

Belly Button In or Out? in.

Wedding Rings On or Off? On.

Mood? Tired, but happy most the time. I get irritated easily and I kind of just zone out a lot

Looking Forward To? April 9, my next doctors appointment. Ready to hear the heartbeat again!


  1. Look at your little baby bump. Congrats girl!! :)

  2. I loved Sonic chicken until I got pregnant with my second child. It tasted so nasty. It's so weird how things change.
