Friday, March 8, 2013

Giving this blogging thing a try...

I am going to try out this blogging thing again! I started one for a little while, and then I just got busy and never posted anything more! I can't promise I will have anything good to say, or that everything is spelled right, or comma will be in the right spot. #sorrynotsorry I have ZERO idea of the design or layout and I just tried to figure it out on my own...which probably makes it look even worse....Whoops!

We are not very exciting people... A and I live at home with my parents while Z is overseas serving with the Coast Guard. We are moving to Texas in June and will hopefully be reunited in July. I stay home and well... we just kind of do what we want to do! We eat Chick-fil-A AT LEAST once a week if not more, we shop, play, nap and anything else we can come up with.

This is our sweet little girl A. She will be 3 in July. She is my best little friend who is sassy and sweet all in one!
This would be my handsome husband and I. We have been married for over 5 years and although we both get on each others nerves and drive each other crazy, I don't think either of us would have it any other way (or at least I wouldn't).
I'm going to try and blog every so often, but I know it won't be daily or weekly. I get busy, bored, burnt out, or just lazy very easily, so we shall see if this blog last.
I guess that is all for now... I'll try to post again about Z's visit he home. He has been overseas for 8 months, was home for 20 days, and will hopefully be home for good in July. We had a great time, and hated to see him go back. It's hard being away from him for so long, but it makes us both stronger. I hate that him and A don't get to spend this year together, but we will be together again shortly!


  1. Yay for your new blog!!! I'm excited to get to know you better!

  2. Yay! This looks great! I'm so excited!

    1. Thanks! Hopefully I can remember to write at least once a week! Ha

  3. I love your blog! You will find what works for you! Just use this blog however you see fit! I find it very rewarding and therapeutic and I've met some great blogging friends in the process!

    1. Thanks girl! I hope to just be able to document some of our life and remember what we've done. Hopefully meet some great people also!

  4. Excited to follow your blog.. I love hearing from other Coasties

    1. Thanks girl! We aren't too exciting right now.. But I know this summer when the hubby gets home will be more exciting!

  5. You're little girl is adorable!! :) Following now and cant wait to read more!!
